Cyber Control: 5G

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos

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The Communist leaders of the People’s Republic of China have been talking for years about a new world order and have recently given it an impressive name: “Community of Shared Future for Humanity”.

When we look at the ambitious “Belt and Road” infrastructure project, in which the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is offering billions of credits to build ports, airports and high-speed train networks, particularly on the Eurasian continent, and at Huawei’s aggressive sales of 5G telecommunications equipment to the world, it is obvious that China aspires to dominate the cyber world and the global infrastructure of that new world order.

China’s dominance is taking shape, at least in the cyber world. If a war breaks out, for example, between the United States and China, the first round will be a cyber war. Whoever is superior in cyber warfare may be able to destroy many of his opponents’ weapon systems, as they rely heavily on electronics and information technology.

In this context, a very critical question must be asked: in the case of Huawei’s dominance of the 5G network, is national security a problem for a democratic country? Can Huawei use his equipment to obtain information in foreign countries at the request of the totalitarian Chinese regime?

The answer is clear: Yes, that is precisely the plan and the reason why the Chinese Communist Party has subsidized and protected Huawei so that he could, by dumping prices, become the technological giant it is now, along with other companies such as ZTE.

Huawei is the technological vanguard of the communist regime’s offensive to achieve cyber hegemony and control of all information flows, military and civilian, worldwide.

With this control, the CCP could sabotage the energy, water or gas supply of any country, leaving it completely paralyzed. It could take control or shoot down military communication satellites, leaving countries defenseless.

Do we really want to hand over that power to a regime that, in 70 years of history, has killed 100 million of its own people and exercises the most ruthless and inhumane control over its citizens?

The temptation is great, the prices (after unfair competition and intellectual property theft for which the US has mainly paid the bill) are much lower and the web of influence carefully woven among the elites in the West and in their media does not stop whispering to our ears that poor China only wants to prosper and ‘harmonise’ the world with a technology that makes life easier for everyone.

Will the democratic powers bite the poisoned apple that the CCP so seductively offers?

Artículo previo
Control Digital – El 5G
Siguiente artículo
Coronavirus: ¿Por qué los medios españoles están replicando sin cuestionar la propaganda del régimen comunista chino?

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